Procedure : Revision Rhino, Upper Lid Blepharoplasty, Lip Lift
The best part about being a Facial Plastic Surgeon with expertise in Rhinoplasty and Facial Rejuvenation is that when patients come in asking to treat both areas, I can accommodate their needs. Take this lovely woman, for instance, who presented to me in her late 50s looking to 1) revise a previous Rhinoplasty and improve the appearance of her eyes and mouth. Regarding the nose, unfortunately, her previous surgeon left her with some residual supratip fullness and an overall hooked appearance to the nose, amongst other nuances needing to be corrected. Concerning the eyes, she simply wanted to address the mild skin redundancy on the upper lids. In regard to the perioral (mouth) region, she was bothered by the decreased red lip show and the increased length of the upper lip skin. To address her concerns, we performed a Revision Rhinoplasty, Upper lid Blepharoplasty, and a Surgical Lip lift in one operative setting. Whilst all three of these procedures are technically demanding and require extreme precision and attention to detail, we both felt confident that the combination would create a naturally beautiful result. As you can see, the results are striking. The nose is more feminine, the eyes more captivating, and the mouth more youthful. We both would say we achieved our goal of creating an overall more balanced, youthful, and attractive facial appearance.