PRF Hair Restoration

In Birmingham, AL

woman leaning on railing looking out | Raggio Facial Plastic Surgery

Price: Starting at ~$750

Procedure Time: 30 minutes

Recovery Time: Hours

Introduction to

PRF Hair Restoration

Experience the transformative benefits of Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Hair Restoration by Dr. Blake Raggio in Birmingham, AL. This advanced, minimally invasive hair restoration procedure utilizes your own blood’s stem cells to stimulate or grow dormant hair follicles to promote thicker, healthier hair. Ideal for any type of hair loss, including hormonal or age-related hair thinning, PRF offers a great non-surgical hair restoration solution with proven effects, a high safety profile, and minimal downtime.

Embark on the path to renewed confidence with PRF Hair Restoration, a modern and effective solution for individuals seeking natural and safe hair rejuvenation.

PRF Expert in Birmingham, AL

What is PRF Hair Restoration?

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) represents the next generation of non-surgical Hair Restoration. You may be familiar with its predecessor, PRP (platelet-rich plasma), but know that PRF is a similar but advanced, improved, and natural solution for individuals seeking hair rejuvenation. This PRF procedure harnesses the healing properties of the stem cells within a patient’s blood to stimulate hair growth and improve hair density. PRF is rich in growth factors and platelets that play a key role in tissue regeneration. In the context of hair restoration, PRF is strategically injected into the scalp, promoting hair follicle health, increasing blood circulation, and stimulating the growth of thicker, healthier hair.

As a minimally invasive and autologous (using the patient’s own substances) approach, PRF Hair Restoration offers a promising option for individuals looking to address hair thinning or early-stage hair loss. Dr. Blake Raggio, a skilled practitioner, tailors the procedure to the unique needs of each patient, providing a natural and effective solution for hair rejuvenation.

What are the benefits of PRF Hair Restoration?

Experience the transformative benefits of a Birmingham Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Hair Restoration, a cutting-edge solution tailored for natural hair rejuvenation. This minimally invasive procedure offers a range of advantages, including:

  • Stimulates Natural Hair Growth: PRF, rich in growth factors, promotes the stimulation of dormant hair follicles, leading to the growth of thicker and healthier hair in your target areas.
  • Improves Hair Density: By enhancing the health of existing hair follicles and encouraging new growth, PRF contributes to the improvement of your overall hair density.
  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure involves a simple blood draw and targeted scalp and hairline injections, making it a minimally invasive option with essentially no downtime.
  • Autologous Approach: PRF is derived from a patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions and ensuring a natural and personalized hair restoration process.
  • No Allergies or Rejections: Since PRF is sourced from the patient’s blood, there is virtually no risk of allergic reactions or rejection, enhancing the safety profile of the procedure.
  • Quick Recovery: With minimal discomfort and rapid healing, patients can resume their normal activities on the same day of the PRF Hair Restoration procedure.

Who are the best candidates for the PRF Hair Restoration procedure?

The best PRF Hair Restoration in Birmingham is ideally suited for individuals experiencing early-stage hair thinning or mild hair loss. Ideal PRF candidates may include those with hereditary hair loss, hormonal imbalances, or individuals seeking a natural and non-surgical approach to address hair concerns. PRF Hair Restoration candidates must have realistic expectations and a commitment to the recommended treatment plan.

Dr. Blake Raggio carefully evaluates each patient’s unique circumstances during a thorough consultation to determine their candidacy and tailor their PRF Hair Restoration treatment plan to achieve optimal and natural-looking results based on individual goals and preferences.

Interior photo of the practice of Raggio MD Facial Plastic Surgery

What’s the first step to scheduling a PRF Hair Restoration?

What are the first steps?

Embarking on your PRF Hair Restoration journey with Dr. Blake Raggio begins with a comprehensive consultation. During this initial step, Dr. Raggio conducts a thorough assessment of the health of your hair, discusses your aesthetic goals, and evaluates your medical history. Depending on your health history, Dr. Raggio may also enlist the help of your primary care doctor or dermatologist to rule out any organic or medical causes of your hair loss. 

This collaborative process allows him to determine your candidacy for PRF Hair Restoration and design a personalized treatment plan to suit your unique needs. The PRF Hair Restoration consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask questions, discuss expectations, and gain a clear understanding of the hair restoration procedure.

What to expect on the day of PRF Hair Restoration procedure

On the day of your PRF Hair Restoration with Dr. Blake Raggio, you can anticipate a streamlined and patient-focused process that prioritizes your comfort. The procedure begins with a simple blood extraction, similar to a routine blood draw from the arm.

The collected blood is then processed using a centrifuge to isolate the Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) – a concentrated form of platelets and growth factors. Following the preparation of the PRF, Dr. Raggio strategically administers injections into targeted areas of the scalp and hairline, focusing on regions experiencing hair thinning or loss. The PRF works to stimulate dormant hair follicles and enhance blood circulation, promoting a healthier head of hair.

Throughout the PRF procedure, Dr. Raggio’s precise techniques aim to ensure even distribution and optimal absorption of the PRF, contributing to natural-looking and sustainable results. The minimally invasive nature of the PRF Hair Restoration procedure allows for a comfortable experience, with most patients reporting minimal discomfort. In fact, the procedure only takes 1-2 minutes to perform, and is very well tolerated with the option to incorporate oral sedation and/or nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) to further optimize your comfort.

After the PRF injections, there is typically no need for downtime, and you can resume your daily activities promptly. Dr. Raggio will provide postoperative instructions and recommendations to support the healing process and optimize the effectiveness of the PRF in stimulating hair rejuvenation. Follow-up appointments, including the proposed injection series (4 treatments total to include one every month for 4 months) will be scheduled accordingly. After the initial series of 4 injections, you will progress to a maintenance program wherein you’ll receive 1 injection every 6 months to optimize and maintain your hair growth gains.

blue eyed man with stoic face | Raggio Facial Plastic Surgery

PRF Hair Restoration Recovery

The recovery process following PRF Hair Restoration is typically straightforward and well-tolerated. Immediately after the procedure, some patients may experience mild redness or tenderness at the injection sites, which is normal and usually subsides within a day or two. A mild headache can also occur, though is well-controlled with non-prescription pain medications such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

Dr. Blake Raggio provides associated post-op instructions to optimize the healing process and maximize the benefits of your PRF treatment.  While PRF Hair Restoration boasts minimal downtime, it’s essential to follow the recommended aftercare guidelines to support the healing of the scalp and encourage the regenerative effects of the PRF. Patients can typically resume their regular activities, including work and social engagements, soon after the procedure. Patients are advised to avoid vigorous scalp massages, exposure to direct sunlight, and strenuous physical activities for up to 48 hours following the procedure.

Over the coming months, you’ll begin to notice the gradual effects of PRF, with an improvement in hair thickness and overall hair health. Dr. Raggio will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and ensure you are on track to achieve your optimal outcome. The simplicity and effectiveness of PRF Hair Restoration make it a convenient and patient-friendly option for those seeking a natural approach to hair rejuvenation.

How much does PRF Hair Restoration cost in Birmingham, AL?

The cost of PRF Hair Restoration in Birmingham can depend on various factors, including the extent of the treatment and the number of sessions required. To obtain accurate and detailed information about the cost associated with PRF Hair Restoration, it is highly recommended that you schedule a consultation with Dr. Raggio to customize your hair restoration plan.

During the hair restoration consultation, Dr. Raggio will assess your unique hair needs, discuss your goals, and formulate a personalized treatment plan. The consultation will also provide insights into the associated costs, potential financing options, and any other relevant details.

Why choose Dr. Raggio for PRF Hair Restoration?

Selecting Dr. Blake Raggio for your PRF Hair Restoration ensures a transformative experience marked by his specialized expertise and commitment to individualized care. With a focus on staying at the forefront of advancements in hair restoration, Dr. Raggio tailors each treatment plan to the unique needs and goals of his patients. His patient-centric approach prioritizes open communication and a thorough understanding of individual desires, fostering a collaborative relationship for a positive experience.

Operating within a state-of-the-art facility equipped with cutting-edge technologies, Dr. Raggio’s proven track record of successful PRF Hair Restoration procedures showcases his skill in achieving natural-looking and harmonious results. Trust Dr. Raggio to guide you through a personalized journey to vibrant and naturally restored hair.

Dr Raggio smiling and looking good | plastic surgery birmingham

Contact us

Schedule your PRF Hair Restoration consultation

Embark on the path to revitalized hair with a personalized consultation with Dr. Blake Raggio. Scheduling your consultation is the first step towards exploring the possibilities of PRF Hair Restoration in Birmingham, AL. During this informative session, Dr. Raggio will assess your unique hair concerns, discuss your goals, and formulate a tailored treatment plan designed specifically for you.

Contact Raggio Facial Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation and take the initial stride toward natural and effective hair rejuvenation

PRF Hair Restoration FAQ’S

Patient reviews

  • Torrey

    5 Star Review

    I am a week post-op from my cosmetic rhinoplasty with Dr. Blake Raggio, a Facial Plastic Surgeon here in Birmingham, Alabama. I just had my cast removed today and I could not be happier with my results already!

  • Jessica

    5 Star Review

    Thank you, Dr. Blake Raggio, for the excellent work on my nose. The Rhinoplasty to correct the deviated septum and nostril closure went so smoothly. My breathing has improved and the before and after pictures were amazing. Your knowledge and skills improved my health and facial profile.

  • Pamela

    5 Star Review

    Dr. Blake Raggio is an amazing Facial Plastic Surgeon. I am one week out from having my
    Blepharoplasty and Browlift and could not be more pleased. Not only is he a talented Facial Plastic Surgeon he also has a wonderful bedside manner.

  • Elizabeth

    5 Star Review

    Dr. Raggio and staff get an A+ for their superb care! From the time you walk in the door to the time you leave, you will be treated like family! Best of all you’ll leave looking younger and feeling good! You can’t beat the care and compassion from Dr Raggio and his staff!

  • Chelsea

    5 Star Review

    Dr. Raggio is the absolute best! He listens and is very precise with his injections. I am extremely happy with the results I have gotten with him. He does not push any services on you, either. I have uploaded two pictures to show the difference. I get Botox and lip filler.

  • Sheila

    5 Star Review

    I went to Dr Reggio for my eyelids. They were folding over. I was scared to have the surgery but the right eye was bothering me. So I decided to have the surgery and this Doctor is such a delight and kind-hearted. I am very, very happy with the way my surgery turned out. I would highly recommend Dr. Raggio to anyone!

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